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Xiamen Betesen Import&Export Co.,Ltd.
Xiamen Diamond Stone Tool Co.,Ltd.
Jinjiang Xinyinfei Stone Co., Ltd.
Gutianzhenghong stone Co., Ltd.
Luoyuanhonglei stone Co., Ltd.
Xiamen Stone-Sculpt Co.,Ltd.
Xiamen Majick Technology Co.,Ltd.

XIAMEN DIAMOND STONE TOOL CO., LTD. major in manufacturing and supplying kind of diamond tools for stone cutting. Their products include ∮100--∮3500 series segments, circular saw blade, polishing brick and so forth. Based on the studies of bond diamond, the cutting mechanisms of wire saw, circular saw and gang saw, we have made a through in the bonding ways of matrix and diamond and originally create characteristic formulas and techniques; the company introduced advanced equipments and offers you a variety of superior products, such as diamond wire saw, diamond wheel, circular saw for mulliblades block cutter and gang saw for cutting marble. Because of the excellent quality and low price of the products, they have a good market both home and abroad. They are exported to Thailand Vietnam, Brazil, Egypt and India etc and received their good reputation.

Alloy Steel Grit

Drill Bits

Drill Bits

Raw Material for Alloy Steel Grit

Packages of Alloy Steel Grit
Xiamen Betesen Co., Ltd Tel:86-592-3125366 Fax:86-592-5131227 E-mail:sales@xmmajick.com
Add:NO. 9 metalleical building south Lianhua road Xiamen, china. PostCode:361009
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